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COMMERCIAL Roof-Top Solar Solutions  by AM Solar


AM Solar are an accredited, highly experienced & specialist Solar PV Commercial Roof-Top EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) Design & Installation company.


We focus on Commercial Roof-Top PV systems ranging from 30kWp to 5MWp that will either Reverse Council Meters (Nett-Metering) or will supply the buildings electrical load as an optimised "Self-Consumption" supply model. 


AM Solar will design the system that best suits your    

Budget | Operations | Capacity | Future 

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Looking for Solar for your Business

Commercial Solar Solutions
Roof Top Solar
Commercial Solar Installers
Solar Power
Roof-Top PV,  A Secure Investment


Solar PV (photovoltaic) roof-top, grid-tied systems are the most common type of solar PV installation around the world (93% of all PV systems are grid-tied). These systems do not store their energy in battery banks.


Electricity produced during the daytime by the sun is either used in the dwelling/building or directed back into the electricity grid, this puts your power usage into credit (i.e. Nett-Zero Energy Building).


These Roof-Top systems can either Reverse the utility meter or are designed for close to 100% Self-Consumption usage.


The initial cost in investing in this technology is typically offset within a few years and the long term savings (30+ years) can be significant.




Commercial - Residential - Industrial

business solar power
Nett-Metering Model.​


Nett-Metering is the difference between the excess energy (kWh) you have generated and fed into the grid with your solar PV system and the kWh's you have purchased from the Grid.


Within certain pv system size and connection constraints, Nett-Metering is allowed in certain municipalities within South Africa.


This means, that municipality will purchase any excess power that your PV system generates at a pre-defined wheeling or Feed-In rate/tarriff.


Typically on weekends and during public holidays, 'day-light' load type buildings (i.e. operate between 8am to 5pm daily) will produce excess energy from the PV array.

The building becomes Nett-Zero Energy.


Commercial - Residential

Solar Installers Johannesburg
Self-Consumption Model.​


A solar power PV plant for generating your own electricity is the ideal solution. “Self-consumption” for certain building types.


Solar power generated is consumed directly by the building itself. The system capacity is optimised to deliver as close to 100% "self-consumption" as possible, meaning a fine-tuned investment (i.e. zero wastage & highest return of investment).


Not only will you benefit from the outstanding engineering and efficiency of the technology offered by AM Solar, but you can also use an otherwise unproductive area resource for the purpose: 


Simply generate and use your own electricity – instead of buying at ever higher prices


Commercial - Industrial

Call Us Now: 068 110 8120

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Areas We Cover

With our HQ based in Johannesburg, we cover all provinces within South Africa, but with prime focus on the Johannesburg, Pretoria & North West Province areas:


North West

Kwa-Zulu Natal

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